Ep 35: The 401(k) Trap

Some of the traditional pillars of retirement income are almost non-existent (Pensions) or severely fractured (Social Security). It leaves the final pillar of personal savings (your 401(k)) as the last pillar standing. But new assaults are threatening the security of this final pillar. We call it The 401(k) Trap. Join us on this episode as we explore the (surprisingly) long history of pensions, how their general demise gave way to the 401(k), and how we can take certain actions today to make sure your retirement income is left intact on your way to, and through, retirement.

You can also download a special report that Brian Doe has created by the same name as this podcast. Check out The 401(k) Trap for more information on this subject. It includes a helpful bonus checklist to help you assess your retirement preparedness.

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For additional info on 401(k) plans, check out these prior episodes:

Episode 30

Episode 31

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