Posts tagged market
Ep 39: Hindsight Is 2020

Has the pandemic turned you into a hunk, a drunk or a chunk? As many commit to New Year's Resolutions about getting in shape physically, we hope you'll resolve to get financially fit in 2021. Brian walks us through some things you can do to organize and consolidate your financial affairs. Plus, meet Linda Montgomery, the Client Services Specialist at Livingworth Wealth Advisors with more than 20 years of experience in the banking and financial services industries. She'll share her knowledge and personal stories about durable powers of attorney, fraud protection, and more.

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Ep 38: Bitcoin Again?

Bitcoin was all the rage before the wild ride called 2020 happened to all of us. The digital currency made headlines in 2017 and 2018 when a single coin's value skyrocketed to almost $20,000. It then tumbled and went on a turbulent roller coaster ride through the charts. With it near all-time highs again, interest has been renewed in the controversial product. Is Bitcoin a good investment? Is it right for me? How can I get in on it? These are the kinds of questions we're getting with more frequency these days. What does the average saver and investor need to know about Bitcoin? We'll try to tackle some of those questions and clear a bit of the air, without getting caught in the technical fiddle-faddle, on today's show.

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Ep 37: Government Cheese with Brett Danko

Do you remember the Government Cheese fiasco? Government's attempt at controlling the prices of dairy forced such a tremendous amount of cheese to be produced that it led to the creation of caves full of cheese is a shining example of how the road to ruin is paid with good intentions. On this episode, special guest Brett Danko joins Brian to talk about other examples of how government influence has impacted the markets and the economy and how we can apply the lessons learned to our own financial lives.

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Ep 36: In Defense Of Doing Nothing

Sometimes it's OK to do nothing. No, we're not talking about sitting on the couch and doing nothing. Instead, we're talking about when things are going crazy in the market or there's a lot going on in your financial life that's causing you stress, sometimes it's OK to step back and do nothing. Often it gets you in less trouble than trying to react. We'll talk about this idea with Brian as we analyze investor reactions throughout 2020 and as we look ahead to next year.

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