Posts tagged taxes
Ep 60: Essential End Of Year Checklist

It might not be as exciting as the stock market, but when you consider how much money can be saved if you properly plan for taxes the subject of tax planning should create a little more energy in all of us. On this episode, we'll talk about Brian's Tax Planning Checklist that you should review before we move the calendar to 2022. You might find some important actionable items that'll help you get the most out of your IRAs, 401(k)s, and overall financial plan.

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Ep 46: Take A (Tax) Hike

The multitude of ways the government can tax you is on the rise. Or, at least Brian has uncovered some additional "hidden" ways taxes can eat away at your income. On this episode we take a look back to show #6 from September of 2019 when we first discussed this topic. Brian gives us an update on some of the tax hikes we talked about then and adds several more items to the list that we need to keep an eye on. Could there really be a proposal to tax gains in your portfolio before you even sell the assets? You bet. Listen for details on that and much more.

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Ep 30: Deadly Dollars & Tax Trap Doors

There are many tax trap doors that can catch you if you're not navigating retirement carefully. Today's podcast revolves all around taxes and how deadly they can be to your retirement fund. Brian will give us examples of different tax situations and why planning is so crucial to your retirement plan.

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